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The AMT Blog

The AMT blog was launched in mid-September 2017. It features weekly articles, news and updates of interest to AMT members and the wider massage therapy community. You’ll find the AMT blog here.

If you are interested in advertising on the blog, please download the advertising schedule.


AMT welcomes articles for consideration to be included on the blog.These articles should be aimed at AMT members (i.e.massage therapists) and can be a case study, a book review, a review of a research study, personal experience, an examination of a massage relevant topic or similar articles. Please pitch your ideas to us via blog@amt.org.au.

Articles should be between 800-1200 words. Please read the blog to gauge style and tone. Images, with appropriate permissions, are a bonus.

We do not publish advertorials.

Submit your article to blog@amt.org.au.

Take the pressure down

Popular music is littered with examples of songs about pressure. And also songs about hammers, depending on how far back you want to go.

But what does this have to do with the application of pressure in massage therapy? You’ll need to read on to find out.

WARNING: there may be ear worms.

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Post date: 10-2-2025

Image shows the AMT logo, with a coloured background and the words "mentoring program"

2025 AMT Mentoring Program

We are excited to announce that applications for AMT’s 2025 Mentoring Program are opening soon. Read more about it here, including registering for our information session.

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Post date: 4-2-2025

When massage therapy evidence is not evidence for massage therapy

Can you argue that massage therapy evidence is not evidence for massage therapy? In this AMT blog post, we turn to Chinese philosophy for insight into a confusing paradox posited by NDIS Minister Bill Shorten …

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Post date: 28-1-2025