This section contains information about the Association of Massage Therapists (AMT), including AMT’s governance structure, standards and key publications.
This section includes information about continuing education and health funds. Check out the practice resources link for helpful clinic templates, fact sheets and promotional material.
This section contains details about AMT's membership criteria, downloadable membership application forms and some background info on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for prospective members who do not hold a current, Australian qualification.
This section includes AMT media releases, position statements and information about AMT campaigns.
This section includes a searchable database for members of the public seeking a qualified massage therapist and helpful information about what questions to ask when making an appointment.
AMT Web Classifieds is available to AMT members and non-members.
There is a fee of $25.00 for AMT members and $125.00 for non-members for advertisements to a maximum 150 words.
You can submit your copy online by using the booking form here. Ads will be published for two months.
Please note: AMT will not advertise positions that pay by piece rates/per massage because these do not comply with Fair Work and NES provisions. We will only advertise massage-related goods and services, and other relevant notices. We cannot advertise the private clinics of individual AMT members.
This section contains information about the AMT National Conference, which is held annually in October.
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2024 AMT Conference exhibit packages have now closed.