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Conference Workshops

DermoNeuroModulating (DNM)

Presented by Robin Kerr

DermoNeuroModulating is a manual therapy system developed by Canadian Physiotherapist Diane Jacobs for the treatment of pain. It is a structured, interactive approach that focuses on 'sensory rehabilitation' rather than the manipulation of 'mechanical tissue' via application of techniques that focus on the cutaneous nerves. Pain reduction is assumed to be due to positive changes in the nervous system. DNM techniques are slow, light, kind, intelligent, responsive and effective, and are increasingly considered to be an important part of the manual therapy of the future.

Bite-sized fitness: savouring the benefits of 'exercise snacks'

Presented by Dr Shelley Keating

In this workshop, Shelley will discuss the concept of 'exercise snacks' and how they relate to the current global physical activity guidelines for adults. With a focus on practical applications (working up a sweat is optional but encouraged!), Shelley will unpack the evidence for exercise snacking and high-intensity interval training, with a dedicated lens on what might benefit the musculoskeletal presentation of the 'office desk worker'.

This workshop is ideal for therapists wishing to revise and develop their knowledge of exercise physiology, experience interval training and examples of exercise snacks, and establish referral pathways with accredited exercise physiologists. Participants will be guided to create their own personalised exercise snack plan and consider their daily schedule and potential opportunities for short workouts.

Moving on the table: Using client movement to enhance outcomes

Presented by Colin Rossie

How do we bring the concept of 'motion is lotion' into our massage practice? In this workshop, we will look at ways to enhance client outcomes by identifying when, where and how to include movement-based protocols during a treatment. Active Movement Participation (AMP), Client Assisted Movement (CAM) and other acronyms aplenty will be demonstrated and demystified, including indications for their use (CRAC, PIR, MET, PNF, SARC). These techniques can also be used as client take-homes to support progress between clinical sessions.