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Overseas Qualifications

AMT does not accept overseas qualifications but we can give you information or advice on how to seek Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to the Australian qualification. Please refer to our RPL FAQs fact sheet and call AMT Head Office on 02 9211 2441 for further advice or assistance.

National competency standards and the AQF

The Australian Qualifications Framework (commonly known as the AQF) is a unified system of national qualifications in schools, vocational education and training centres (government and private providers) and the higher education sector (mainly universities). Qualifications delivered within this framework range from Certificate I through to Doctoral degrees. The AQF links all these qualifications and is a highly visible, quality-assured national system of educational recognition. For more information about the AQF, please visit their website.

National Competency Standards were introduced for Massage Therapy in 2002 as part of the Health Training Package. Nationally recognised training for Massage Therapists is currently delivered exclusively through the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector in government (TAFE) and private colleges.

The current nationally recognised qualifications for Massage Therapists are the HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice and the HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

Overseas qualified therapists will experience some barriers to practice without these Australian qualifications. The most obvious of these is restriction on your ability to be recognised by third party payers such as the private health funds and various compensatory bodies such as workers' compensation authorities.