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Student Membership

Special Offer

AMT is currently offering free student membership to enrolled full or part time students of massage therapy who are willing to subscribe to the AMT Blog. You must have a valid email address to take up this offer.

Please note that all student members of AMT are also required to provide a national police check to be admitted to AMT. For information about AMT's police check requirements and how to obtain one, please go here.

Sign up for free student membership online here. You will need a valid proof of enrolment to apply and at least 2 months before expected completion of your course or an administration fee will be incurred. If you do not have a proof of enrolment please ask your college to complete the proof of enrolment template here.


When can I become a member of AMT?

You can become a student member as soon as you start your course.
Apply online here.

AMT recognises the following government-accredited courses:

For more information about Student Insurance please go here.

We encourage membership early in your training.

Please note: Your student membership application will usually be processed within two weeks of receipt of all documentation at AMT Head Office and you will be notified of the result in writing.