Where to Study
There is currently around 100 RTOs offering nationally recognised training in massage therapy. To search for qualifications and RTOs, please visit http://www.yourcareer.gov.au.
RTOs vary widely in educational content and delivery hours. Courses offered through the TAFE system tend to be longer and more comprehensive but there are many, reputable private colleges offering quality training too.
AMT does not recommend courses that are delivered exclusively via distance learning.
A number of private health insurance companies have specific requirements for duration of training and delivery modes in order to become a recognised provider with them. Ask your prospective RTO if it meets these requirements.
Below is a checklist of important considerations when researching an appropriate place to study:
- Is the college a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)?
- How many hours of face to face lessons are there to complete?
- How much does the training cost?
- What is the maximum class size? (student/teacher ratio should be low for practical massage subjects)
- Is the course part time or full time?
- What subjects/educational content is covered?
Be wary of Colleges that claim that they can fast-track your education or those that set up dodgy-sounding Associations to accredit their courses. eg The International Body Pounding School of Massage Therapy is Accredited with The International Body Pounding Association and is a founding member. If in doubt, ask how many members the Association has and how long they have been in existence.
AMT retains a contact list of RTOs providing nationally-recognised qualifications in massage. If you require assistance or advice when researching RTOs, please don't hesitate to contact AMT Head Office on 02 9211 2441 with your questions.
Although AMT does not formally audit RTOs, AMT reserves the right to request information and documentation from RTOs including delivery schedules, learner resources and workbooks, and assessment validation. AMT also reserves the right to vet membership applications to ensure that training and assessment of the applicant's qualifications is line with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (2015) and to exercise discretion in relation to admitting applicants as members.