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Media Releases

For all media inquiries, Please contact AMT Head Office on 02 9211 2441. You can also download the AMT Backgrounder for more information about AMT.


Media Release - AMT calls on Federal Government to fix NDIS inequity and recognise Remedial Massage Therapists

AMT launches groundbreaking research resource


AMT launches 2023 mentoring program


AMT calls on Federal government to build fit-for-purpose quarantine


AMT establishes a Biosecurity Planning Committee in response to COVID19

AMT advises its 3000 practitioner members to shut down in response to COVID19

AMT calls on Federal Government to expand stimulus in wake of COVID19


AMT introduces mandatory police checks for members


Department of Health releases final Natural Therapies Review
National Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2015
AMT calls for regulatory reform in light of David Wang rape conviction
AMT fears public safety implications if rebate for massage therapy axed
AMT warns of dire consequences if rebate for massage therapy axed
AMT launches petition to retain the private health insurance rabate for massage therapy